Monday, March 5, 2012

The Dream of America, The Dream of Man

Growing up in the farm land of the mid-west during the 1960's, I often heard references to The American Dream. The liberal influence in public schools was still in it's infancy and more prevalent in the colleges and universities than in the elementary and high schools. Conservative thought was still in the mainstream in small and medium sized cities throughout the prairie states, in both political parties and for the most part in the white-collar and working class homes. America was celebrated and respected as a unique country that exhibited excellence and independence not found anywhere else. Despite the social injustices and problems we faced, many of us were raised understanding what the American Dream was and how fortunate we were to have access to it.

Today I hear our President, media outlets, lenders and others speaking of how the American Dream is out of reach for so many in our society. I have to say, I agree with them. The American Dream is fading from the collective memory of our society and is resulting in a oppressed class of citizens that is growing each year.  The once great inspiration and hope that the lower classes had of being upwardly mobile is diminishing. At times it seems that access to that dream will never return. However, there is hope.

Somewhere out on the horizon you can still see the dim light of the once brightly shining American Dream. It is hard to see most days, and on some days appears to be totally gone, but it is there. It is waiting on us. It is waiting to rise once again and shine on everyone that is willing to work hard, pay the price, take on the responsibility for themselves, and help their neighbors. It is waiting for room to grow. It is waiting to take it's former place in the sky, a place that has for the past 100 years been inhabited by a large, dark storm cloud that oppresses the spirit of man.  The storm of large, intrusive over-regulating government.

While I agree with those on the left and in the current administration about the need to revive the American Dream, I strongly disagree with their interpretation of what that dream is. The American Dream is not owning a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in the suburbs. It is not having tuition provided for all your children to go to college. It is not universal, government (or more accurately, tax payer) provided health care. The American Dream is as unique as each individual American citizen that strives to embrace it. In this great country every man and woman is limited only by the size of their dreams and their dedication to that pursuit. In America a person can rise to a position of prominence, power, wealth, success, leadership and service regardless of who their parents were or where they came from. The dream is not about the material things that one can provide for themselves, nor is it about the services that the government can provide for them. It is about much more than that. Small government and individual rights provided a environment where the dreams of man could flourish and grow, unimpeded by a dictator, monarch, or socialist regime that would try and take from those that work and achieve, and give to those that will not.

From the beginning, America was a unique experiment. The citizens of the world have nearly always lived in societies that were organized for the benefit and enrichment of the ruling and privileged classes. America was different. This is a country that allows all men to dream of reaching their God-given potential. A place where men and women can succeed, but are also allowed to fail. This is the common desire of mankind. To be free and exercise the rights granted them by God, but too often limited or denied by governments of man.  

I feel that our time is short to turn back the tide of large, restrictive government. We must work to restore the American Dream to it's proper place. To restore America to that place as the Shining City on the Hill. To carefully guard all that was entrusted to us by the founders, to provide opportunity for all men to achieve that which is their dream. God give us the strength to carry on this fight and the wisdom to constantly pursue that which makes men free. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Success. It Always Comes Back to... Work!

A new year has started... again.  Most of us look back at the past year and think of the things we wish we would have done and are amazed at how fast time has past.  Meanwhile we have become absorbed in everyday life and accomplished little or nothing that we wish for.  I do this each year.  Perhaps it is not normal and I am the only one that feels this way, but I think not.  I tend to look back and think how different things would be if I had just been on the treadmill 20 minutes each day, followed that healthy diet, practiced my musical instrument an extra 15 minutes daily, etc.  I recognize, and take responsibility for, the place I find myself in life and realize it has mostly been because of decisions that I have made.  On occasion, however, I fall into the familiar old thought pattern that says "why have better things not come my way?" or "why didn't I get that kind of a break/promotion/financial windfall/etc.".

As much as I struggle within myself to believe that this is not true, I must say that often I think even these things are a result of my actions, or should I say inaction.  Whether you believe in God, karma, mystic energy, a benevolent all-knowing intelligence, or your own power, many of us often wonder why fortunate situations and circumstances seem to come to others but not to us. Why is it that so many of us say to ourselves "why do good things happen for others but not for me?".  We think back on things we enjoyed doing, probably things we have talent for, and wonder why we didn't get the breaks that came to someone else.  Why do we spend our lives working at a job that we dislike or feel has no meaning, going through the motions of a meaningless existence.

I don't have the answers to so many of the things that happen to us all.  I do believe in God and that He has a purpose for each and every one of us, and will use us when we allow Him to.  I am beginning to think more often these days that the limiting factor in life is ourselves.  I have spent most of my life looking for a break, an opportunity, someone to come up and tell me how great they think I am, how much potential I have and what a great blessing I will be to the world with this new career/business/ministry/bank account that they are giving me.  The answer in my life, and I would guess many others, is work and preparation.  There are so many things that I have talent for, but without work, study and preparation I am not ready for success in these areas.  A great example is individuals that win the lottery and in a few short years find themselves divorced, isolated from friends and family and broke.  The work we do prepares us for the success God will bring our way when we are ready for it.  God has given me the talents, but He leaves it up to me to develop and use them.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ignorance Must Be Bliss!

For several years now I have wondered how it is that some seemingly intelligent people come up with ideas that, to me, seem so illogical.  How can they look at the events of the day and interpret them in a completely different manner and come to a conclusion that seems to be the antithesis of the combined evidence.  I have wondered, is it a fundamental difference in the way that they process information?  Do they see things through a prism of life experience that bends the light of reason into some complex and hard to understand formulation that is difficult to interpret?  Is it pride that makes them twist everything into a multifaceted conglomerate of information that can only properly be decoded by those elites with a high degree of education?  Is it just good old fashioned ignorance?

Today I got a glimpse into the mind of two of the worlds most prodigious thinkers.  It was completely by mistake, or maybe by divine providence.  As I was looking through the programming guide trying to decide what channel would best compliment my current viewing of Fox News (I am one of those people that loves to switch back and forth between 2 shows that air simultaneously) I ran across Hardball with Chris Matthews.  Now, I must admit that in the past I have never watched more than about 5 minutes of Mr. Matthews at one time... or maybe in total, and that will probably remain true in the future.  His esteemed guest on this episode was Bill Maher.  You know the man I am talking about, the one that thinks that Jimmy Carter was a great President and displays his intelligence through a college frat-boy-like string of smart-ass quips.  Yeah, like I said, definitely two of the great thinkers of our day!

After making fun of the usual... Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Newt Gingrich and of course W, they talked about the "tea baggers" and their radical right ideas.  This time they really proved their point.  Did you know that the tea party folks want to end the popular election of senators in favor of having them elected to their terms not by the people, but by (gasp) the state legislatures?  And furthermore, they think even small states like Delaware and Vermont should continue to have two Senators.  Where did these wing-nut idiots come up with that kind of idea?  How funny is that?  Definitely proof that the extreme right, conservative, homophobic, puritanical, sexually repressed, fundamental Christian, war mongers are completely looney!  Where did they get a radical political idea like that anyway?

Hmmmm. I had to think about that for about 0.21546 seconds before coming up with the answer... and, yes it is extremely crazy and radical.  If our liberal mental-giant friends would turn to Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States (I am sure they carry a well-worn, well-read copy in their pocket at all times) they would read "The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, [chosen by the Legislature thereof] for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.  This was to ensure States Rights and protect the States from an overreaching power-hungry Federal Government.  Imagine if someone did something crazy that the majority of the people and the State governments were against (uh, like proposing some weird, socialist, sure-to-fail government healthcare), the Senators would be obligated and instructed to vote according to the wishes of their State.  Sounds like a pretty good idea to me.  Too bad a group of Progressives got Amendment XVII passed to ensure more power to the Federal Government (along with Amendment XVI, the income tax, another great idea!).

Now I know why these people think like they do... they are just ignorant of the founding documents, principles, and people that worked to create this institution.  I also know why Chris Matthews has a viewership about one-fourth or less of that of Glenn Beck... or  Sean Hannity, Brett Baier, Bill O'Reilly, Greta Van Susteren, etc.  I guess I will have to try and remember to tune in again next year... assuming Hardball is still on the air.   


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Label Me A Racist!

It seems that nothing gets the attention of the public like charges of racism. No decent American wants to promote one race over another, or practice the denigration of anyone based on race, sex or national origin. America has always drawn strength from her diversity of legal immigrants, each one bringing unique talents and skills to the melting pot of capitalism. Only a fool would want to live in a world where everyone mirrored themselves in beliefs, talents, preferences, and physical characteristics.

Racism being an extremely volatile subject, it is easy to understand why people don't want to be associated with it. The extremists on the left side of political ideology have not missed out on this. In fact, the charge of racism has become one of their most powerful tools over the years. They have charged Republicans and conservative politicians with being against the poor, the aged, the minorities every time they seek to promote conservative ideas through our legislative system. This has become such a constant mantra that they have even effectively stolen the credit for civil rights legislation that passed in the 1960's by the efforts of the Republican Party.

With the election of President Obama there was a great deal of talk about how we had moved into the era of post-racism in America. As long as their candidate was in office, it was a great step forward in the healing of old racial scars and a better world was dawning. This post-racist era was evidently short lived. T
he racism, this time however, seems to be promoted by the very same liberals that seemed appalled by it just a few short months ago. These are the people that avoid any debate in the arena of ideas, by focusing on their opponents race and using their telepathic abilities to decipher the true meaning of any conservation. You say you doubt their telepathic ability? How else do you explain Maureen Dowd's interpretation of Joe Wilson's outburst in Congress? Only with her special powers could she know that what Mr. Wilson was really saying was not the audible "You lie", but actually "You lie, boy!".

It seems that this will be the trend for anyone that opposes this President and his agenda. I guess because of their racist attitudes these leftist individuals cannot fathom anyone that would actually oppose someone because they have differing ideas, not because of race. Well, if that be the case, then label me a racist. I will not allow this false accusation to silence my opposition to the fascist policies of our President or his liberal friends.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You Really Don't Get It... Do You?

These days it seems that our elected representatives in D.C. have really stirred up a hornet's nest. The discontent on both ends of the political spectrum is growing almost daily and this has the politicians scurrying around trying to find the middle ground that will keep the constituents happy. It is as if each one of them is trying to put their name in the history books as the person that saved healthcare by coming up with a bill that is an acceptable compromise to everyone. The only problem I see with this is that they are missing the message of "We The People". While our career politicians banter back and forth trying to find the right combination of key items that will get the appropriate buy-in from their colleagues, the public movement against big government is growing.

I watch as the parade of reform ideas passes by on the television news (more like commentary). I get frustrated at the left side of the ruling class with their Socialist and Fascist ideas for government run everything and complete control over our lives. As bad as that is, I have come to expect Socialist ideas from Socialists. What really puts me over the edge are those that affiliate themselves with the "conservative movement" on the right. Made up almost exclusively of Republicans their ideas irritate me more than anything else. I want to start pacing the floor, yelling like a mad man at a piece of electronic equipment, venting my frustration at the density of their skulls! I want to make a George H. W. Bush statement... "Read My Lips"!

The problem is not the healthcare reform. The problem is not the TARP legislation. The problem is not the government takeover of private business. The problem is all of it! What we want is to be left alone. What we want is a return of the founding father's ideas of a smaller, less intrusive central government. What we want is the opportunity to make our own decisions about what schools our children go to, what car (or truck) we drive, what insurance plan (if any) we have. You see the problem is not the few items contained in the healthcare proposals, the problem is the proposals period! It is not your job to fix most of what you spend your time and our money on. If you wanted to do anything at all to help healthcare in the U.S., you could start with Tort reform, limiting your greedy, cash hungry, ambulance-chasing buddies in the legal profession. I wonder if saving physicians $80-250k per year in malpractice insurance might help lower the cost of basic healthcare?

Is there anyone at all in D.C. that will stand up for the principles on which this country was founded? If you are out there, please stand up and be heard. I know of a few million people that will support you.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Look Who's Protesting Now!

Much like many of you, I have been watching the news and commentators on the various networks and the response to the town hall meetings that some of our elected representatives have been sponsoring lately. I must admit I am encouraged by what I have seen. First of all, just to see people showing up at these meetings is a positive thing. It seems throughout most of my life the only folks that have really taken the time to get involved in the process have been members of some fringe or special interest group, a group that generally doesn't seem to represent anyone that I know and certainly not the mainstream of middle America. Now I am seeing many getting involved that, by their own admission, have never really taken an interest in politics or activism of any type before. This is, in my opinion, a step in the right direction regardless of their political affiliation or ideas. There needs to be involvement by "The People" or the form of self government that we live under (a republic, not a democracy for those of you that went to public school like me) fails to function as it should.

Poor voter turn-out at election time has always puzzled me. I remember the first election that I was able to vote in and how excited I was at the opportunity to finally have a voice and take part in the choosing of leaders that would shape the future of this great country. I also remember so many of my friends that didn't care one way or the other and did not vote. These were the same people that I heard over the next several years complaining about one politician or another and how the country was not being run as they thought it should. It made no sense to me. I do not understand apathy when it comes to something as important as free elections, a luxury that most of the world will never experience, so when I see a greater percentage of the population engaging in the debate and becoming active in the political process I naturally think this is a positive thing.

So why are so many on the left upset over this resurgence of interest in the process? Why is the media so quick to try and portray these people as terrorists, thugs, mobsters and a threat to freedom? Some have even gone so far as to compare the growing movement of citizens against government run health care to the Brown Shirts of the National Socialist Party of Germany (Nazi's). Aren't these the same people that have always been in support of the protests of the past? Where are the great, open-minded liberals that have always encouraged the freedom of speech and protest (right to peaceably assemble) for the minority and fringe environmental, gay rights, animal rights and other groups? Why are they so disturbed over the sight of "The People" exercising their right to make their voice heard? Do they not understand, or do they understand much more than they are letting on?

I believe that the reaction from the left and so-called 'moderates' in both parties is an indication that someone is on the right track. I think they are reacting out of a fear that they are losing their power and privilege. The elite of society that have guided this country farther and farther down a path that leads away from our Constitution, individual rights and limited government are seeing the threat of 'a great awakening' of the freedom that is deep in the DNA of the American people. I hope and pray that this is the case.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Contemplating Confounding Conclusions of the Common Man

What a world we live in! Knowledge is expanding at an exponential rate in all areas. Technology is making available to us electronic devices we only dreamed of, or saw on Star Trek. We are able to do more with less natural resources than just a few years ago. Automobile emissions have been reduced by nearly 98% since 1975. One laptop computer contains more computing power than what was available to most businesses just 25 years ago. The discoveries of man have been astounding, and yet when we look at the world today politically very little has changed since the beginning of time.

Never before has the manipulation and disinformation of the general public been more obvious. In centuries past there were very few educated and even fewer with access to any kind of information that would dispute or question the policies of those in power. Today, however, in free countries around the world we have access to information that can bring in to question the information (or propaganda) that we are being given by our media and elected officials. What continues to amaze me is how many in our global society continue to follow the curriculum that is hand-fed to them without even questioning... like sheep (no wonder the Bible uses illustrations of sheep and the shepherd so much) blindly trusting and following where their leader says to go.

Now, with what I am about to say next please don't label me as a extremist, gun-toting, Bible-thumping, hate-monger set on destroying the planet. That seems to be the tactic most often used by leftists to destroy anyone that disagrees with their agenda. Instead, consider for a moment the possibility that some of what we are being told about the economy, gun control, terrorism, climate change, etc. could be wrong. What if actions we are taking are not making things better, but worse? Is there anything wrong with analyzing the facts (and not those force-fed to us by the media) and at least questioning our policies? In the current political arena this seems to be treated as heresy and a attack on well-known and established truths. This is not at all the case.

Why are we so determined to give up freedom and liberties that we have had for more than 200 years based on unproven theories? Why does the media never question the fact that states and communities with a larger number of concealed handgun permit holders experience less violent crime than those that demand an unarmed population (read More Guns, Less Crime by John Lott) ? Why do they never mention the fact that over 700 international scientists dispute the claims of man-made global warming (from the website of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, hardly a bastion of conservative thinkers)? Why do we continue down the road of less freedom, less choice, less individual responsibility when it is costing us jobs, safety, freedom of speech and expression? When did common sense become so un-common? When will we wake up and rise up to a higher level of personal responsibility and throw off the chains of government control? I fear that if it is not soon... it will never be.